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Educating Citizens and Police

Learn, Comply, Protect

Educating Citizens and Police on Safe Traffic Stops

We provide educational services related to police traffic stops to discourage citizens from fleeing or resisting police. We educate the public about the dangers and legal consequences of fleeing the police, and educate police on improved methods of performing traffic stops.

Dispelling Common Fears

A police traffic stop is and should be a professional, emotionless, seamless business-transaction.  Police detain, credential check, investigate, question, verify driver information and typically issue citations or charges and submit a ticket or written “complaint” to the court. Oftentimes, emotional citizens enduring this scrutiny have unrealistic anxiety and fear of the unknown when facing the threat of being charged or detained. But most of these fears are unreasonable and unnecessary, and stem more from paranoia than from validly based reason or logic.

Understanding Checks, Balances, and Citizen Rights

A basic understanding of the process and systems should calm the nerves of the detained citizen-driver will calm those fears. Citizens should know and understand that the police have limited powers and simply perform carefully limited services following rules and procedures with safeguards and a chain-of-command with overseers, dispatchers, supervisors and review boards. Police serve in the executive branch of government, the courts serve in the judicial branch of government, and both follow and enforce laws written by the legislative branch of government. The federal and state governments consist of a legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.  This is historically based to divide up the power of government in to these three separate-but-equal parts of government. So police must convince a judge that an offense has been committed and ask the court to impose a punishment within the parameters of the written law (laws written by the legislative branch of government).

Our Recommendations

It is a Felony to flee or elude police. Citizens have an absolute duty to stop for police and neither flee, elude or resist. We recommend all drivers comply with police commands, provide identification, registration and proof of insurance upon request and openly receive any written charge or ticket. We recommend each driver or occupant comply and cooperate with any detainment or arrest. 
We recommend you do not argue with police or present defenses on the street, but instead simply receive the charge, ticket or arrest, and and challenge the charge or ticket in court with professionals.